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Spherical Guiding Services

Spherical systems are dynamic by nature. By getting out of the box and taking all needs and connections into consideration it creates an awareness within the whole organization and encourages curiosity and creativity when addressing change. Spherical systems develop capacity of stakeholders, and in turn the organization, to go FARR


Flexible               Adaptable               Resilient                Responsive


In a Meeting

Spherical Strategic Planning

​Spherical Strategic Planning looks at the overall shape of the organization. This spherical assessment model looks at elements and connections that are needed for a strong, healthy, well rounded organization. These comprise the nodes on the sphere. The health of these nodes are then assessed and plotted to show the current “shape” of the organization and where energies need to be focused to round out the shape. This focus of energies becomes the action plan. 


Since the organizational sphere is dynamic you can see the shape change over time in response to actions taken throughout the organization. As the shape changes, you can see where the energies need to shift and you can adapt to maintain your roundness so you are always operating at your best in the moment.

Spherical Team Building

Have you ever been on a really great team? One where you can almost feel the energy in the air?

Spherical team building helps teams understand their spherical relationship. We identify how each person contributes to the overall goals of the team and how they can best support each other to keep that energy flowing consistently. We are developing the capacity of the team to get out of the box so that they are prepared to respond to challenges and changes.

Spherical Coaching (1-1)

Harmony Consulting (3).png

Every sphere is connected to other spheres. This means that the more well-rounded our personal sphere is, the more positive influence we can have on those we're connected to. Spherical coaching is for individuals who want to discover what they need for their personal sphere. What are their core values and needs? What helps them show up as their best self? Where are the "dents" that need to be rounded out? When we know who we are and what we need to show up as our best selves, we ca

Banana Leaves

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A healthy environment is possible.

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