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Workshops & Trainings

We all know the old adage about giving someone a fish vs teaching them to fish. I want to teach people how to communicate and engage differently. What I love about my work as a spherical guide is the change I see in people as they start to see the world differently. They learn to communicate in a way that is authentic to who they are without putting them in competition with someone else. By working together in a new way, we are able to redesign our systems and unleash the possibility of "yes, and" rather than "either/or". 

Spherical Leadership Workshops

To be innovators we also need to innovate how we lead. Our old systems rely on a top down model that relies on power and control resting in a small group at the top. This "box" style of leadership is resistant to change.

A spherical system recognizes that every person, every team, every area of an organization is both autonomous and interconnected. It supports an environment of co-creation that happens when we trust and understand each other. By changing how we see our world, our world starts to change.

Workshop topics include

  • Crucial Conversations. Often when we have a tough topic to discuss our default is to try to control the conversation so things don't "out of hand." Ironically, trying to exert control can create the very resistance we are trying to avoid. Communication is strongest when we have trusted relationships. Complex collaborations require us to go deeper, not hold each other at arm's length.  This program teaches participants a new way to engage and collaborate.

  • Spherical Leadership. We are all autonomous and we are all interconnected. Our strongest systems create harmony between these two worlds. Traditional hierarchical leadership serves those at the top. Spherical leadership, like servant leadership, takes into account all stakeholders which in turn strengthens the overall organization so that it can fulfill its vision and mission in the world.

  • Creating Your Individual Sphere. Imagine starting on a new team where each member came to the table authentically and honestly with a clear explanation of who they are, how they work best, and the team support that will help them succeed. This workshop helps participants identify their core values and needs and how they work best as individuals and on the team.


Conscious Contracts® Trainings

The Conscious Contracts® model is a new paradigm of writing agreements that focuses on the potential of people. The model takes a different approach to conventional contracting. Instead of trying to predict and control an uncertain future, it focuses on a sense and respond approach to the emerging future. The model can be used for agreements, organizational documents (bylaws, policies, procedures etc). 

It helps the people involved build trust by fostering collaboration, encouraging creative problem solving, and designing user-centric documents.


This interactive training covers the paradigm shift and basic elements of the Conscious Contracts®. Join our next training starting April 24, 2023


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